Listed below are frequently asked questions from interested students. For further inquiries, please visit the Contact Us section of the website.
When and where does VIG meet?
We meet from 8 to 10 PM every Monday night in Fertitta Hall.
What does VIG look for in prospective candidates?
We look for strong critical thinking abilities, a passion for investing, and intellectual curiosity. Additionally, prospective candidates should have excellent communication skills and an ability to articulate their ideas in a personable way - this is a crucial skill in business as well as in all facets of life. We seek out candidates who we feel can contribute unique perspectives to the discussions at our Monday night meetings.
How many applicants does VIG take each semester?
Historically, VIG has taken about 2-5 people each semester. Although we take pride in our organization’s small, tight-knit nature, there is no limit to the amount of new members we accept, and our recruitment varies from semester to semester based on the strength of the applicant pool.
How is VIG different from other finance clubs on campus?
While other investment clubs focus on professional preparation and recruiting, VIG is purely intellectual, with a focus on critically discussing the stock market in a tight-knit environment. We operate as a second-level think tank for members to have intellectually stimulating discussions about any topics they are interested in. The VIG curriculum is more thorough and comprehensive than that of any other investment club on campus. Finally, VIG competes in stock pitch conferences around the country and hosts the largest competition on the West Coast each year.
If VIG doesn’t focus on recruiting, do members still get jobs at top firms on the Street?
While VIG doesn’t focus on recruiting, our members have a 100% placement rate for junior year and full time internships. Our emphasis on intellectual development helps our members stand out throughout the recruitment process as they demonstrate deep understanding of finance concepts and are able to discuss them eloquently. Members and alumni have secured internships and full-time positions at some of the best shops around the country, as can be seen on our “Placements” page. As a result, senior members and alumni serve as mentors for underclassmen that are interested in recruiting for finance positions, whether that be Investment Banking, Private Equity, Venture Capital, or any other career in finance.
I am an upperclassman. Can I still apply for VIG?
While VIG targets members who can contribute to the group for 3-4 years in order to maximize growth in learning, VIG still interviews and accepts juniors on occasion. Given their seniority, juniors are interviewed with higher expectations. Seniors are not eligible for VIG recruitment.
Do I need prior finance or accounting experience to join VIG?
Prior accounting and finance experience is neither necessary nor expected. VIG is looking for talented Trojans who are driven and passionate to learn about investing. In past years, more than half of VIG has been comprised of students majoring in humanities, sciences, or engineering.
What can I expect to be my day-to-day work as a VIG member?
Apart from weekly meetings, members read contemporary articles and follow general market news. VIG first-semester analysts read a finance book each week, attend weekly analyst meetings where the club’s curriculum is imparted, and prepare a comprehensive stock pitch each semester. More experienced members prepare stock pitches for national competitions as well as internal presentations and stock memos to discuss in our meetings.
Where can I apply?
Interested students may apply on the VIG website at the “Apply” page.
Will VIG be at the USC involvement fair?
Yes, dates and times can be found at the “Apply” page.
When and where are the info sessions?
Info session information can be found at the “Apply” page.
When is the application due?
Saturday, February 1st, 2025 at 11:59 PM.